Online Backup
Online Backup
Backing-up company data means that not only is your data mirrored, safe, secure and accessible at any point in time (at point of back-up), you also have a disaster recovery solution in place should the company experience any loss of data for whatever reason at whatever time.
Backup automatically mirrors everything you’ve chosen from your system. Your data is ready to access at any time, from anywhere and exactly as you left it (at point of back-up).
Working in the background, backup is your safety net and enables you to retrieve your important data, even if you accidentally delete or don’t save it.
Here at ICON ITS we offer online backup facilities which enable continuous, secure, trusted, flexible and effortless backup with strategies that we build around the requirements of your business and your employees.
With our solutions you can expect to:
Receive simple to use software interfaces
Restore previous back-ups. It’s even possible to roll-back to previous back-ups
Some back-ups can even be PRE-RESTORED into their own virtual environment, ready to run with a copy of the latest data
In the event of a server failure we’re able to completely and immediately replace the failed system
This means we get you up and running minimising business disruption and costs
Your Disaster Recovery strategy is in place combining disaster recovery, Backup, Archiving and Data Compliance into ONE simple to manage and low cost solution.
Restores are instantaneously initiated, always accessible and run at LAN speed.
We supply this service either as a fully managed Cloud based service or as a customer premises based system
Automated, policy based archiving assists with your Data retention requirements.
Unique technology allows very large files to be backed up over your existing broadband connections
Military grade encryption scrambles your data before it leaves your site
You don’t have to worry about any tapes to buy, manage or keep secure